FOREIGN STUDENT EDUCATIONAL AND ADVISORING SERVICES (FOSEAS) is a company dedicated to improve the opportunities of international students to achieve their dream of entering a US college and/or University. We advice, guide, and support the student with the entire application process in order for him or her to reach their highest educational goal. FOSEAS is committed to helping students obtain admission in a college and/or University where he or she will feel comfortable, happy and able to excel academically. Our experience has shown us that it is very important for a student to demonstrate strength of character, enthusiasm for learning and leadership among other qualities. We are here to help you show your strengths and choose your best fit. It doesn’t matter what your academic interests are, our team of experts are here to provide you with the best guide and recommendations in the road you’re about to take. We are committed to YOU and your satisfaction is very important to us. We are YOUR BEST CHOICE!!
Studying abroad is a unique, exciting and rewarding experience that will enrich you for the rest of your life. This is why FOSEAS will help you find the institutions that will best match your interests and needs. We will guide, advice and support you with your application process. As an international student you will have the privilege of living, learning and feeling another culture and its people.
There are thousands of graduate programs offered in the US and the decision of doing one of these programs is one of your best choices in life. Congratulations for your decision!! This is a big step in your life and FOSEAS will help, guide, advice and support you in the important road you’re about to take.