As an International student you also have the opportunity of applying to scholarships. It is not necessary to be financially needy in order to apply to one since there are different kinds of scholarships applicable to undergraduate and graduate students:


  • Athletic scholarships – If you are good at a sport and want to pursue your studies playing for a college or university
  • Academic Scholarships — It depends on your academic performance. You usually have to be a very good student, be one of the best
  • Merit-based scholarships — These are related to academic performance but can also be given to students that are excellent athletes or have a great artistic ability or any other ability.
  • Departmental Scholarships — As its name says it, it is a scholarship given to students by a certain departments at the college or university
  • Private Organizations – Scholarships given by private organizations
  • Need Based scholarships– For those that don’t have the resources to pay or their resources are limited
  • Fellowships and tuition scholarships – This is awarded by the University’s Graduate school and is based on the academic strength of the student
  • Internships — Basically is a practical experience in the students field of study
  • Research Assistanships – A graduate student wouldl be working in research with a faculty member. You might want to learn a little bit more about this on the following link
  • Teaching Assistanships (TA) – A graduate student would be hired to help a professor with their undergraduate classes.
  • Administrative Assistanships – As it’s name says it, the student would be hired to do administrative work.

You may read a little bit more about assistantships in the following link

As you can see, there is a wide array of options in order to get money for your studies. It is not impossible and as a company, FOSEAS, will help you in your search as well as with the application process.

Don’t forget that it is also a good idea to apply for loans in your home country or for some type of financial aid. You might want to check out the following sites:


For more information, you may contact us at


  1. Lindokuhle

    Dear my name is Lindokuhle Xulu, I have matric I like to study in department of health in Pantology. I need help to get
    university thanks.

    • Ms Lindokuhle Xulu. We will be more than glad to help you. E-mail us at and we will assist you directly.
      Have a great day!

  2. santiago

    i would like to know what are the steps I have to follow in order to become a successful assistant.

    Santiago Gil M

    • Santiago: it is important to be a good student which I’m sure you are. E-mail us at

  3. Mirza shahbaz ahmec

    Commentmy name shahbaz Mirza and this link is much helpfull.thanks

    • We’re glad you liked it. Thank you!

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